Experienced in Nepal, Japan and Australia, Dr. Eng. Shanker Dhakal is a Civil Engineer and Interdisciplinary Infrastructure Engineering Consultant with Specialization on Mechanics and Structural and Earthquake Engineering for Buildings, Landslide/Rockfall Hazard and Protection, Hydropower/Dam Structures, Building Structures, STI Campaign, Product Development, Emergency Response and DRR/DRM, WSS and WASH facilities and infrastructures, Climate-resilient Development and SDG Acceleration, University Tutoring and Training, Innovation Entrepreneurship etc.
Shanker Dhakal – with BEng (Civil) and MSc/Eng (Structural) from TU, IOE, Pulchowk Campus, Nepal, PhD in Geotech-Struct Engineering & Disaster Mitigation (Impact Dynamics & Rockfall Protection) from EU, Japan, and higher degree research and tutoring experiences (Structural Dynamics, Earthquake Engineering and Irregular High-rise Buildings) from UniMelb, Australia – is an interdisciplinary civil (structural/geotechnical/hydraulic/earthquake) engineer, consultant, researcher and sessional academic.
Dr Dhakal has an innovative track record of planning/design/QAQC/evaluation/peer reviews/training/capacity development each in the field of hydropower/high dam; rockfall protection; earthquake and vibration eng. of vernacular houses, heritage sites and modern buildings; post-earthquake reconstruction and integrated settlement planning; STI/tech innovation and entrepreneurship; unified approach for multi-hazard resilience, inclusivity and sustainability in future infrastructure development; emergency response & recovery works; WSS sector infra planning, design and evaluation; WASH+Health (including COVID-19) incl. action research for sanitation workers.

Team Leader of Siddhababa Rockfall Investigation project (2012), Siddhababa Rockfall Protection DPR (2016), National Reconstruction Movement featuring innovative building technologies including RIB and GSI/RSM (NRM: 2015-2016), National Coronavirus Mitigation Movement (NCM: 2020-2021), R&D Supervisor (NIC: 2020), Senior Technical Officer at NAST (2020-2021) and lately serving the Government of Nepal (NRA, DWSSM) and DP (MDTF, ADB) through highly specialized assignments in various roles as Individual Consultant (Senior Design and QAQC Engineer, Social Engineer, Geotechnical Engineer, Design Research Support Expert, Social Engineer: 2021-2023) among others, Dr. Dhakal’s contributions to engineering of roadside accident protection, rural reconstruction and integrated development, COVID-19 combat tech development, innovative WASH+H and WSS infrastructures including development of guidelines are very exceptional. He has also contributed to knowledge transfer & outsourcing by working as a Lecturer/Asst. Prof/Assoc. Prof/Online Tutor, and by independently supervising research projects. Some of his RAs have already completed or are pursuing their PhD from among the top universities of the world.
Generally a gold medalist, Dr. Dhakal has received many awards and recognitions for his impressive, innovative and interdisciplinary professional works too. He is featured as an Infrastructure Expert by TV programs and invited as a speaker by professional societies. He is also an active social media campaigner.