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Poem – Structural Engineering and Reverse Migration (2023)

My recent poem on structural engineering and reverse migration (in Nepali) as part of a video interview (podcast) on reverse migration, structural engineering, engineers’ professional society, and engineers in politics is published. Here is the link:

TNUN (2013) & TMDO (2015)

From TNUN (2013) Campaign to TMDO Organization (2015) TNUN is a campaign for national unity for development transformation of Nepal. TMDO is an institutional structure towards facilitating the implementation of my (our) vision of TNUN combined with that of Takashi… Read More »TNUN (2013) & TMDO (2015)

SEANep (2008 & 2023)

Secretary (General Secretary as per the new constitution under processing) @ SEANep: 2023-2025 Executive Member and Acting Joint Secretary at SEANep: 2008-2009 SEANep is a professional body of structural engineers from Nepal. Structural engineering is one of specialisation areas of civil… Read More »SEANep (2008 & 2023)

NIC & NAST (2020-2021)

STI promotion, Product Development and Entrepreneurship Through NIC & NAST NIC is a private sector innovation institution and maker’s space with increasing machines and facilities run by the  public figure, Mahabir Pun based on crowdfunding and charity. I served it… Read More »NIC & NAST (2020-2021)

Independent-Alternative Unity Campaigns: स्वतन्त्र-वैकल्पिक एकता अभियानहरु

Introduction & Summary: परिचय र सारांश आज बालेन, हर्क तथा रास्वपाको अगुवाइमा नेपाली समाजमा स्थापित हुँदै गरेका मुद्धा हिजो हामीले आधा पेट खाएर र आफ्नो व्यक्तिगत र पारिवारिक समय खर्चेर सुरुवात गरेका विभिन्न स्वतन्त्र, वैकल्पिक तथा एकता अभियान [“D3ISE Transformation”… Read More »Independent-Alternative Unity Campaigns: स्वतन्त्र-वैकल्पिक एकता अभियानहरु