Secondary Education Examination (SEE)
Congratulations to all SEE graduates of this year! I have some story to tell you.
Well, without top scores in SEE (then SLC) wherein I became school first at SPSS and Bhaktapur district second by just one mark, what I am today would have absolutely been not possible. My excellent SLC performance followed by similar successes in succession kept opening up the sought and sometimes unprecedented opportunities in my life, offsetting from my family’s financial limitations, for example.
So, I particularly congratulate those who performed well in the SEE results despite belonging to a financially challenged family. You have been the STAR OF YOUR FAMILY, COMMUNITY AND THE COUNTRY. Make sure you will keep shining ahead too. Keep inspiring your coming generations.
Yes, I must say: keep up the hard work while taking care of your health and well being. Balanced life is the best life one would live but I understand not all would get to live it due to own situations. Let’s try to trigger WORK-LIFE BALANCE as much as our situations allow us.
For those who could not perform well in this exam, please know that LIFE GOES ON. And it heals itself provided we keep up with our hope and drive for progress and success. Success after failure sometimes brings unique success and a great story for many to read, be inspired and embrace. Just keep trying your best. It’s the life cycle success we should look into than one or two particular events.
For example, there are many toppers of one particular exam who have unfortunately disappeared in the rest of the exams and they have even failed in several other tests of real life. So know that it’s never too late for you to succeed in the days ahead if you happened to perform low or even failed to sit in this SEE due to several reasons. You have a lot to achieve and recover from own failures to be “your best” in the years and decades ahead.
Therefore, please don’t be hopeless and frustrated, and to those who did well, don’t show arrogance than the pride on your achievements. We MUST LIVE and keep working consistently to see our LIFE CYCLE SUCCESS that the coming years and decades can reveal only. All is well and cheers!
(Dr. Eng. Shanker Dhakal)