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NIC & NAST (2020-2021)

STI promotion, Product Development and Entrepreneurship Through NIC & NAST

NIC is a private sector innovation institution and maker’s space with increasing machines and facilities run by the  public figure, Mahabir Pun based on crowdfunding and charity. I served it as an R&D Supervisor or Mentor for a few months at the onset of COVID-19 in Nepal where we prepared many products such as PPEs, sister robots and Swab Collection Booths (SCB) making significant impacts.

NAST is the alex scientific body and R&D center of the Government of Nepal lately working on the promotion of STI in Nepal through grants, publications, products and policy. I served it as the Senior Technical Officer for a year making exceptional impacts mostly in developing WASH + Health technological product solutions to combat COVID-19  pandemics, with a focus on mobile swab collection booth vehicles and next gen booths. I also contributed partly to NAST’s vision on vernacular technologies and building research.

COVID-19 Combat Tech Development & Transfer Campaign

Activities illustrated in pictures:


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